Iranian Caviar

iran exports
2 min readOct 16, 2023


Iran is renowned as one of the world’s largest exporters of caviar, offering a rich variety of this highly-prized delicacy. Caviar is considered among the most luxurious and expensive foods globally, with various types, including golden, red, and black caviar. Iran’s caviar primarily originates from sturgeon, which comprises around 27 different species, including beluga, osetra, and sevruga sturgeons.

Caviar Export from Iran

Iran’s caviar export industry is significant, with substantial quantities of caviar being shipped to international markets each year. The quality and reputation of Iranian caviar have made it a sought-after choice among discerning consumers worldwide.

Import Rules for Caviar into Iran

Importing caviar into Iran is subject to specific rules and regulations to ensure the quality and safety of the product. These regulations may include adherence to international standards for food safety, proper labeling, and documentation to verify the authenticity and origin of the caviar.

Why Caviar Is Frozen

Caviar is often frozen to preserve its freshness and extend its shelf life. Freezing helps maintain the delicate flavor and texture of caviar, ensuring it remains in pristine condition for longer periods.

Availability of Iranian Caviar Abroad

Iranian caviar is indeed available in the offices of foreign countries, particularly in regions with a high demand for premium caviar products. It is distributed through various channels, including gourmet food suppliers, luxury markets, and upscale restaurants.

Trusted Brands for Safe and Authentic Caviar Purchases

When it comes to purchasing caviar, it is essential to choose trusted and reputable brands to ensure that you are acquiring a safe and genuine product. Some renowned Iranian caviar brands known for their quality and authenticity include “Caspian Roe,” “Persian Caviar,” and “Sevruga Caviar.”

Iranian Caviar Agencies

There are several real Iranian caviar agencies that operate within the country. These agencies are responsible for overseeing the production, quality control, and export of caviar. They play a crucial role in maintaining the high standards and reputation of Iranian caviar in the global market.

Iran’s Oldest and Biggest Caviar Brand

One of Iran’s oldest and most prominent caviar brands is “Shilat.” Established in 1958, Shilat has a longstanding history of producing high-quality caviar and is recognized for its commitment to tradition and excellence.

Best Quality Caviar

The best quality caviar is often associated with the beluga sturgeon, known for producing the largest and most luxurious caviar eggs. Beluga caviar is celebrated for its exceptional size, flavor, and texture, making it a preferred choice for connoisseurs of fine caviar.

For specific information about purchasing Iranian caviar for export, it is advisable to contact reputable caviar export agencies such as “irexporter,” which can provide detailed guidance and support for caviar-related inquiries.



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